Work With Me
Are you ready to bring your mind, body, and soul into alignment? Are you ready to redefine what's possible for you and reclaim your power? Are you excited to redesign and reimagine your life from a more magical lens and create unlimited possibilities?
If you said yes to any of those questions, then I look forward to connecting and co-creating with you!
Let Go + Glow
(30 or 60 minute single session)
Do you have any limiting beliefs that are no longer serving you, causing resistance, or keeping you stuck?
Are you ready to release your emotional and energetic baggage and feel lighter?
Are you ready to stop feeling fear, shame, or guilt around past experiences or events?
Just like we are made of energy, both our emotions and our beliefs are also made of energy. These energies can get trapped and hinder us from moving forward or achieving our goals, as well as causing distortions, discomfort, or even illness in our physical body and wreaking havoc on our energy.
This session is a match for you when you're feeling fear of the unknown or moving forward; feeling blocked, stuck, or disconnected; or feeling like you're hiding or stuck behind a wall.
It's also a match for you when you're experiencing shame or guilt from the past; experiencing unexplainable or recurring physical discomfort; or falling into the same emotional traps.
The beautiful thing is that you do not need to relive a traumatic event, nor do you need to search for or dig up long forgotten or suppressed memories. While there are typically no side effects, you may possibly feel a little worse afterwards before you start feeling better and lighter.
Not only will we work on releasing these blocks, feelings, and limiting beliefs, but we will also clarify what you want to create and experience more of, and "seal it in" by programing these new beliefs directly into your subconscious and activating new potential.
- Accelerate your own spiritual evolution and growth
- Help you believe and embody what you choose to create and experience more of
- Activate new potential and possibilities
- Call in more success
- Feel more connected with your heart, allowing more love and compassion to flow in and out
- Align with the frequencies of gratitude, joy, passion, and abundance more easily
- Tap into more creativity and inspiration
- Manifest with more ease and alignment
- Activate your body's natural self-healing properties
- Reduce stress, fear, and anxiety, or feelings of guilt or shame
30 Minute Session
LET'S DO THIS!60 Minute Session
Align + Shine
(60 or 90 minute single session)
Do you ever feel like there's an invisible barrier hindering your path to success?
Are you tired of trying to force your way to success?
Do you believe that success isn't possible for you in the way that you want or always envisioned?
Are you having a hard time with your identity or how to show up as the successful version of you?
This session is a match for you when you're feeling fear of money, success or being seen; feeling like success is possible for everyone but you; or feeling like you'll only be successful by being someone you're not or playing small.
It's also a match for you when you feel like you dislike the life you've created so far, or you know the life you do want to create but need help aligning to it and achieving it.
Are you ready to bring your mind, body, and soul into alignment and reimagine your life from a more magical lens?
Not only will we work on releasing any feelings, limiting beliefs, and conditioning that isn't supporting you, but we will also redefine what's possible for you, clarify what you want to create and experience more of, and reprogram your identity to help you feel more aligned to the success you want to create.
- Release any conditioning or limiting beliefs
- Help you believe and embody what you choose to create and experience more of
- Manifest with more ease and alignment
- Create unlimited possibilities and success
- Embody an identity of someone who is successful and is aligned with their desires
More aligned decision making
Reduce feelings of fear, stress, and anxiety around money, success, or being seen
Activate new potential and possibilities
How it Works
First step of the process
Once you choose which option is a match for you, you'll be directed to a checkout page to pay for your chosen session(s).
Second step of the process
You'll then be directed to your product library, as well as receive a confirmation email of your purchase.
Third step of the process
Once you've purchased your session(s), make sure you schedule it on my calendar so we can connect and co-create together!